Sunday, June 12, 2005

Why Lucky Hoo-ee?

In 1993, I met Suradech "Hui" (pronounced Hoo-ee) Wangboonchai. Hui was born in Bangkok, Thailand and promised to someday take me to Thailand.

In 1998, I had saved enough money to take my first extended vacation. Hui escorted me (and Mom & Dad) through Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand for a (3) week vacation. It was awesome! Since then, I have traveled to Thailand (3) times. Each trip has been a wonderful experience. Bangkok is a thriving big city filled with adventure. We have also traveled to the mountains of Chiang Mai and enjoyed the culture and food from the Northern region. Travel has given me a new appreciation for history and culture that the Dade County Public School System (and all its corruption) never did.

Since then, Hui and I have traveled with Mom & Dad (and my buddy Pete) around the world. Sightseeing through Egypt, Russia, Korea, China, Japan, Sweden, Amsterdam, Finland, Estonia, Singapore, Italy, Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, England, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Malaysia, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Panama Canal, Costa Rico, Mexico, and all over the Caribbean.

Last Christmas, we were on the island of Koh Samui, about 100 miles away when the Tsunami destroyed much of the west coast resort areas. We were very lucky not to be in Phuket, because our original plans were changed at the last minute.

Why Lucky Hoo-ee? My business partner Jim, always said that, 'Hui is the luckiest person in the world'! Coming to America and becoming a US citizen makes him lucky. Becoming part of my group of friends and family makes him lucky. Living in South Beach in a condo over-looking the Ocean makes him lucky....but that's not why I call the blog "Lucky Hoo-ee".

I call it "Lucky Hoo-ee", because Hui has brought me good luck!

Before I met Hui, my business was terrible and I was still recovering from my divorce. I was drinking heavy and not happy with life. I was broke and really lost a big part of my Mo-Jo....but seeing Hui, so enthusiastic just to be in America! So excited to have a job as a busboy, just so he can save enough money to pay rent and send a few dollars home to his parents. His determination and drive was inspirational!

His motivation to "make it" in America, like many immigrants, was amazing. Here I was, with all the advantages in life, feeling sorry for myself...and Hui was happy just to be here!

I got my Mo-Jo back and the rest is history...and this blog is my journal to keep my family and friends updated on my adventures.

The Cup is Half Full

When you look at the sad state of American bi-partisan could say that the cup is half empty.....It seems that these national leaders have no platform of ideas and no alternative solutions. Instead they seem to complain, bitch, and say almost anything to get elected, create grid-lock, or push their personal agenda instead of the values of all the people they represent....Shouldn't America come first?

Chuck Schumer, John Dean, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Rangel, John Kerry, Jesse Jackson, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Mark Foley, Alcee Hastings, Jon Corzine, Robert Wexler, Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rick Santorum, Richard Luger, Pat Robertson, Former President Jimmy Carter.

I tend to look at the cup being half full...These national leaders seem to be more objective and tend to represent all their constituents instead of being party cheerleaders dominated by the "Hate Bush" mentality.......These guys "get-it".

Joe Lieberman, Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Tom Harkin, Al Sharpton, John McCain, Christopher Dodd, Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch, Bill Nelson, Lamar Alexander, Daniel Inouye, John Rockefeller IV, Herb Kohl, Trent Lott, Carl Levin, Patrick Leahy, George Allen, JC Watts, Arlen Specter, Frank Lautenberg, Pete Domenici, Charles Barkley, John Warner, Evan Bayh, Former President George Bush (41) .

Only kidding about Al Sharpton....but he is refreshing because he does speak his mine. Who's on your short list of presidential candidates for 2008?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

What do they have in common?

Peter Cetera
Jimmy Buffet
Rodney Dangerfield
Cindy Crawford
Jackie Mason
Don Brewer (Drummer from Grand Funk)
Bebe Rebozo (former client)
Lee Trevino
Rep. Dick Gephardt
Senator Tom Harkin
Senator Lindsey Graham
Frank Vincent aka Phil Leotardo from the Sopranos

plus a bucnh of sports stars...including Don Shula, Dan Marino, and world Jai-Alai Champion...Joey!

What do they have in common? Nothing, except that they are a few of the people I have bumped into over the years in South Florida....
Everyone has brushes with celebrities from time to time....and everyone has there favorite celebrity sighting story.

When Hui was a waiter on South Beach, he had Madonna and Sean Connery at the restaurant.....but my favorites story is about the phony hypocritical politician Senator Alfonse DaMato....who I spotted at the Delano hotel a few years ago....after a crazy Halloween party.....He seemed to have had a few drinks....and was starring at a couple asian guys dressed in drag....and I could barely hear him make a comment to one of them....maybe it was wishful thinking on my behalf that he would actually try to pick one of them up....and that the National Enquire could have taken a photo of the bastard....but no such luck.