Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's next?

I turned 54 last week.

It's been a great year!

I traveled to Thailand, Israel, and Spain.

I moved to a new condo on Las Olas and moved back into my old office on Cypress Creek.

Professionally, I turned around my two businesses (Badge Express & Nexus Business Center).

I've distributed over 20,000 copies of my free book on Goal Setting.

I'm typing this update on my new Apple I-Pad during another boring Dolphin game.

I'm trying to get more involved with the Advisory Board with Broward Bank of Commerce.

I still would like to get more active with JA and the Ft Lauderdale Art Museum.

I'm dabbling with consulting and speaking...... Who knows?

Cousin Noreen is headed to Bkk... Hui is going in December.... I'll probably go in january?

The big news...... I'm hosting Thanksgiving in my new place in Ft Lauderdale...

I;m also putting together plans for my next trip to Thailsnd....the first week of January!