Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Cup is Half Full

When you look at the sad state of American bi-partisan could say that the cup is half empty.....It seems that these national leaders have no platform of ideas and no alternative solutions. Instead they seem to complain, bitch, and say almost anything to get elected, create grid-lock, or push their personal agenda instead of the values of all the people they represent....Shouldn't America come first?

Chuck Schumer, John Dean, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Rangel, John Kerry, Jesse Jackson, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Mark Foley, Alcee Hastings, Jon Corzine, Robert Wexler, Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rick Santorum, Richard Luger, Pat Robertson, Former President Jimmy Carter.

I tend to look at the cup being half full...These national leaders seem to be more objective and tend to represent all their constituents instead of being party cheerleaders dominated by the "Hate Bush" mentality.......These guys "get-it".

Joe Lieberman, Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Tom Harkin, Al Sharpton, John McCain, Christopher Dodd, Lindsey Graham, Orin Hatch, Bill Nelson, Lamar Alexander, Daniel Inouye, John Rockefeller IV, Herb Kohl, Trent Lott, Carl Levin, Patrick Leahy, George Allen, JC Watts, Arlen Specter, Frank Lautenberg, Pete Domenici, Charles Barkley, John Warner, Evan Bayh, Former President George Bush (41) .

Only kidding about Al Sharpton....but he is refreshing because he does speak his mine. Who's on your short list of presidential candidates for 2008?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary and Candy are dandy...but it will be a Southern Governor that emerges from the pack.