Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Space Shuttle and the Horse's Ass

It is sure good to see the Space Shuttle flying again!

The great debate for our government has always been, "how do we spend the tax dollars"?

How much to Health Care? Welfare? Military? Education? It is not an easy decision, considering how the money will affect future generations. If experiments and exploration lead to new scientific breakthroughs and advancements, our nation and society will reap the benefits. When we have failures, it could be looked as a giant financial burden for the next generation to worry about.

Some people think Space Exploration should be at the bottom of the list of for tax dollars. After the tragic accidents, not only did the NASA budget get scrutinized, but the morale of NASA and of the entire nation suffered.

The Space Shuttle represents all that is good in America....Our tenacity, determination, and willingness to go where no man has gone before.....besides, I would rather pay for space exploration, than more nuclear weapons.

Did you know the design specifications of the space shuttle were based on the width of a horses ass?

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