Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mysterious Ways???

The power of faith.......

If there is/was a god, I don't think this is what he/she/it intended the world to become !

Pick your ignorance....abortion, stem cell research, murder, fundamentalist, intelligent design, gay adoption, adultery, terrorism, sodomy, wars in the name of GOD, hated of other religious beliefs, gay marriage, slavery, government corruption, divorce lawyers, hair transplants, and the poster boys of hypocrisy and ignorance Ted Haggard and Tom Foley .........Disease, famine, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and killer hurricanes.....not to mention George Bush, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Reverend James Kennedy, Reverend James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and Faith Healers....... or the dickheads running North Korea, Iran, Venezuala, and most of the countries in Africa.
The world is in trouble....over-population, wars, famine, water shortages, diseases, and maybe even global warming? We are over fishing the world's oceans, we are draining the natural resources, we are slaughtering so many cows, chickens, and pigs that the waste products alone are destroying the environment....and our political and religious leaders are worried about gay marriage, or birth control, or teaching abstinence, or stopping scientific research.
Why aren't the world's religious leaders meeting.....together? Wouldn't GOD want them to work together to work towards solving the world's problems?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, that's heavy thinking, but it would be so freeing of mind and oppression. Imagine! Just Imagine how liberating it would be. Need to read all of them. How this can be done is all beyond me but I find it comforting to know that we are free to read it.