Thursday, May 03, 2007

Nothing new to report ....rambling

War is dragging on with no end in sight.....

Politicians are robbing the country blind.....more pork projects every year ....waste...waste...waste...and we keep voting these sons-of-bitches back in...we deserve the government we got!

Gang members are killing each and over-populating prisons...

Religious fakers are taking advantage of peoples faith.....

Imus is going to fight his humiliating dismissal through the legal system.....screw the Rev. Al Sharpton!

Anna Nicole is still dead.....

The Miami Herald has become a terrible newspaper.....down to just 300,000's filled with a lot of ads and wire service news....with just a few local articles and virtually no investigative reporting on our corrupt public officials.....the New Times actually has more news than the Herald.....what a shame!

I went to the movies last week and got a jumbo popcorn and (2) jumbo cokes.....$17 .... HOLLY SHIT!

I just got a new Dell PC with Windows had a corrupt driver installed and didn't work out of the box....pretty bad QC for Dell ......and screw Microsoft....I should have got an Apple!!

Walking on the beach this morning I saw this sand castle and took a picture with my phone camera so I could share it.......the wonders of technology

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