Thursday, September 11, 2008

All this nonsense.....we need leadership!

from Andrew Tobias blog.............

They mock Al Gore, they mock John Kerry (and his Silver Star and three Purple Hearts), and now they mock Barack Obama.

Only Sarah Palin - who lobbied for the Bridge to Nowhere, and raised taxes in Wasilla, and left her tiny town, which had been debt-free, $22 million in hock, and says she got a D in macro-economics at the University of Idaho - only she has what it takes to cope with our country's enormous economic challenges and regain the respect of the world. She and her running mate, the hot-tempered "maverick," fifth from the bottom of his class of 899, whose campaign is run by lobbyists and who voted 95% of the time with George W. Bush.


To augment her prayer and facilitate the pipeline, Governor Palin has sued to strip the polar bear of its Threatened Species status (tell thatto your 10-year-old and ask her how she wants you to vote in November), ignoring the scientists (here we go again) - or worse. "Essentially, she lied," said University of Alaska professor Rick Steiner, according to ABC News.

Both she and Senator McCain are fine Americans and remarkable people. But they are running this campaign out of the same mocking, dishonest Republican playbook (Obama is ready to lower almost everyone's taxes, not raise them), in the urgent Republican hope of getting four more years.

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