Friday, June 22, 2012

Health - We're all going to die....but we can live longer and healthier!

After watching the movie, Forks over Knives.... I realized that we have all been bought and sold by food lobbyists, chemical companies, big pharmaceutical companies and advertiser hucksters.

The beef lobby, the dairy lobby, the egg lobby, the wheat lobby, the cory syrup lobby, the sugar lobby, ..... they have designed the food pyramid (to sell food, not for health) .....established tax benefits for farmers....and developed the best agriculture and food delivery system in the world.....that allows McDonalds to sell a "beef" hamburger on a white flour bun for $.59 and wash it down with a sugary soda...... helping to create out of control obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer rates in America.

We are all hooked.... like heroin addicts....going from fix to fix.

I found the article and links below.....and thought that you might find them interesting......


Once again the low carb approach strikes, causing death in its wake. Not surprisingly, dieters can and do lose weight. The problem is that the diet creates heart disease including arterial stenosis leading to heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and more. It also promotes the development of cancer. In addition, once carb intake increases, the promotion of diabetes is left from carb deprivation. I am currently coaching a woman who weighed about 340 lbs. On this diet, she lost 100 pounds in a couple of years. Sounds great, but her overall health has declined so much that her cardiologist warned her of imminent death if she continued. 

Only one diet has been fully supported by all research, a Whole Foods Plant Diet which means no processed foods that breakdown the components. Virtually no oil is used so no chips. This eliminates flour as well. This diet typically has no animal products at all which has been shown to be optimal. Some users allow up to 5% calories from animal foods. All of this is well documented and presented to the public in "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, PhD. 

Lately there has been a lot of media attention on this diet including the conversion of Bill Clinton to save himself from death by heart attack. I have attached a copy for your perusal. Also, I am including a few links from Dr. Michael Greger's site, 

A funny thing about the WFPD. When the huge EPIC study was done in Europe, they actively searched for vegans. When the search was complete, they divided the groups into 4 groups; those who ate meat, those without meat, but with fish, those who were vegetarians and the vegan group. However, when they tried to connect diet with disease, like heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, etc., there was virtually NO disease in the vegan group. So, they had to lump vegans and vegetarians together to get statistical relationships. Of course, the new vegetarian group had much less disease than the other groups. Makes you wonder why try the Paleo diet when WFPD is the one that works? 

By the way, most research indicates that ancient man ate no meat for millions of years, then small amounts of very lean meat from wild animals. Not exactly the corn, antibiotic, hormone fed beef we eat today. 

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