Thursday, November 03, 2005

Who secures the ACLU?

According to The New York Sun newspaper, the New York chapter of the ACLU is suing the city for random bag checks in the subway system. But guess who's checking bags in their own offices? You got it, the NYCLU. The sign outside the office says, quote, "Please have photo ID ready for inspection. All packages are subject to inspection upon entering and leaving the premises."

1 comment:

Patrick Whiteside said...

On first glace this activity may seem ironic and hypocritical. However, the NYCLU is conducting these searches on their own private property. The New York Subway System is a public transit system through public property.

The transit system is a daily necessity for the people of NYC. In reality, people HAVE to have access to it. The ACLU is a great organization, but New Yorkers won’t suffer if they choose not to visit their office because they have to show their driver’s license and open their bags.

I think this particular post is “hooey.”