Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why so much religion on the BLOG?

It inspires and gives hope to some angers some people....and to some people it is very funny.

I am one of those people that thinks it is funny! Not "funny-funny", but "crazy funny".

I cannot tolerate the level of ignorance from the religious right in America.....It is almost like a magician using steer the audience away from what is really happening.

Catholics can't use Birth Control?......the planet is over-populated.....why aren't religious leaders focused on over-population?

Abortion is murder?........Why can't people make decisions for themselves.....Why do religious people think they have the right to push their beliefs on other people?

Stem Cell Research is killing a fetus? ...........what non-sense!

Religious of faith......Hating and Killing?

I got really disgusted .......when I saw the previews from a new movie about Islamic Fundamentalist called "Obsession" is scary stuff!

I got really disgusted..... about the arguments about gay rights and marriage.... half of the marriages in the US end in divorce....and President Bush sits there and talks about the "sanctity of marriage"? Adultery is an American past-time.....Give me a break, Mr. Moral Leader....the day I take my moral life lessons from a draft dodger....Wasn't Bush a cheerleader in college?.....You know what the rumors about male cheerleaders are??? What about other moral fakers like Tom Folley and Reverend Haggard ...that preach one thing but have the power to vote and persuade people. All the religious FAKERS make me crazy......Jimmy Swagart, Pedophile Priests, Jim and Tammy Baker, Ernest Angley, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwel, Jim Dobson are just the tip of the iceberg!!!
How many more of these insane people don't get exposed? How many more are stealing from the poor "believers" ? How many more are in the closet?

I got really disgusted .......about the war in the Mideast......about the phony religious leaders that preach about GOD..... but don't do anything about the war. Where are the Muslim leaders? The Catholic leadership? Why aren't they guiding the political leaders to peace? Where is there faith in there GOD?

I really hate faith healers that take advantage of the stupid and poor people......... I love James Randi...who exposes this stuff......I also like Penn and Teller because they also expose fakers in there TV show called Bullshit. are a few cool links.,ourMission

So why all the religious stuff on the BLOG? is my BLOG and I post whatever I want to! It isn't here to post things that anyone likes or accepts......I post things that I like....things that I am interested in .....and things that move me......I post things that inform and enlighten....I post things to provoke thought......I post things about family.....If I offend anyone....tough shit....Don't read it! rant ends with this lovely thought.......It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt....or mutilated! Talk about a crazy religious tradition.....let's cut some skin off a baby? If God created us...and we are perfect...why cut something off?


Anonymous said...

So what exactly are you are saying Bob...Is it that you don't believe in a human man that sins but preaches about God? Or is it that you believe in a man who says there is no God? Or is it that you don't believe in God and have no faith in a supreme being such as God? Or No belief of a God that has the power of intervention and creation? Tell me exactly.

Anonymous said...

I miss having our opinionated discusssions! I hope this finds you well!!!

One other thing, look around you, it is not just in America that criminal religion happens; it is all around you. It may not be as easily to recognize in places like South Africa, India, Bali or Greece but it is there. The world populous is going bad fast.

What is helping it go so bad so quickly? Uninhibited, unfiltered communications with all age groups of children by men who care not about the future minds of this world. The shocking content of television, radio and the internet influence the uninhibited actions of children to rape, murder and avenge child like threats with criminal intent to their own.

How about the lack of God? What is there to believe in if no God? Is man in control of his destiny? Suicide is a growing concern. Crime is not shrinking. War is every where we look. What should we have faith in?