Friday, December 29, 2006

Rockwell Control - Sales Video

When this thing breaks down....will the repair be covered by warranty and how long does it take technician to fix it?

Global Warming ?

George Carlin - Religion

Howard Beale - The Mad Prophet of the Airwaves

The movie "Network" broke ground and exposed the dark side of humanity....did we learn anything from it? Did we change anything?

I'm Mad as Hell

Travel Plans - 2007

I like celebrating New Year's far away from home....the past two years, I have been in Bangkok for New Years......I always hated the "amateur" night for drinkers, the over-priced parties, the bad service, the crowded this year I am taking a cruise!

I'm headed out of Port Canaveral on December 31.....returning just in time to watch the Gators win the National Championship!

What a way to start a New Year!

Travel Plans - 2007
January - Carribean Cruise (Ron & Dana with Friends and Family)
February -
March - Las Vegas - ISC Show
April -
May -
June - Australia / New Zealand - Tour with Jim / Mary / Hui
July - Thailand / Hong Kong
August - Province Town / New England
Sept -
October - Cruise (14 Days) - Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale with Mom / Dad / Jim / Mary / Hui
November -
December -

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

More Bush Bashing?

I really hate to kick a dog when it's down, but this Bush family is amazing!

The Bush family has quite a reputation for deal making and corruption.....but after reading the Wikipedia article on Neil Bush....even I was shocked!

1) Did you know that he co-founded a software company that was financed by Russian billionaire Boris_Berezovsky along with businessmen from Taiwan, Japan, Kuwait, the British Virgin Islands, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwaiti company head Mohammed Al Saddah, and Chinese computer executive Winston Wong ?

2) Did you know that Bush made at least $798,000 on three stock trades in a single day of a company where he had been employed as a consultant?

3) Did you know that Bush signed a consulting contract that paid $2 million dollars in stock over five years to work for Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, plus $10,000 for every board meeting he attends.

4) Did you know that Bush serves as co-chairman of a company called Crest Investment. Crest pays him $60,000 a year to provide miscellaneous consulting services?

5) Did you know that Bush made a $642,500 commission for introducing an Asian investor to the owners of an American high-tech company?

6) Did you know that Bush's divorce deposition gained public attention when he admitted to several sexual encounters with high-priced escorts in Thailand and Hong Kong?

7) Did you know that as a Board Member of the failed Silverado S & L, Bush participated in one of the largest banking failures of all time costing tax payers over $1b?

What about brother Marvin?

He was a director of the Sterling, Virginia company Securacom, also known as Stratesec, from 1993 until fiscal year 2000. The Securacom/Stratesec company was publicly traded and backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corporation.

In 1996 Marvin Bush had 53,000 shares in the company's stock he bought at 52 cents a share. In 1997 the stock sold for $8.50 a share. Marvin Bush was no longer listed as a shareholder by the end of 2000.

The chairman of the board of Stratesec is Wirt Walker, a cousin of Marvin and George W. Bush. Stratasec had contracts to provide security for United Airlines, Dulles International Airport (the airport from which American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, took off), .........and the World Trade Center in New York at the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Merry Christmas

Brother Ron and Dana hosted a wonderful Christmas dinner in Melbourne Florida....and no one took pictures......but here is the latest family group shot from last summer's Alaska Cruise.

Merry Christmas from the Newman's

Saturday, December 23, 2006

False Advertising?

How could Dan Marino stoop so low? How could he pose for a fake picture? He claims that he lost 20lbs......does this picture look like those pants only fit 20lbs. more?

Maybe a good time to start thinking about a New Year resolution???

This year I am going to do what Dan Marino did.....Buy bigger pants!

Statistics prove that 80-95% of all diets fail.....the bottom line is that we all need to live healthier......a little common sense instead of fad diets from Danny Marino...Increase exercise and decrease calories....10,000 steps a day is what is recommended...just get a pedometer and start walking!!!

Check-out the PBS "Frontilne" television story....... "Diet Wars" and the web site for great information !!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Bush did before 9-11

I was never a "Bush Basher"...but this guy is responsible for our country spiraling down hill.....looking at this old tape makes me mad at our government for it's failures and lies....This administration makes Nixon's look like saints.

Military Commission Report - Commentary

You gotta love Keith Olbermann from MSNBC

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Johnny Quest PF Flyers

Why can't they make cartoons as good as Johnny Quest? The show was from the early 1960's and I can still watch it! Whatever happened to PF Flyers? I guess they weren't cool enough and aren't "designer" enough for spoiled kids?

When we were kids, childrens programming had a conscious was about had redeeming values....although I love the Simpsons and South Park...they both mock the "family" and "authority".

And then there is the show "Celebrity Death Match".....How about Homer Simpson versus Race Banyon?

No one would believe it!!!

When history is written.......people will look back at our time and scratch there heads.....they will ask how could people be so stupid to vote in a lying weasel son of President George Bush?
I will answer....Jerry Springer

How could they vote in a man that was a college cheerleader? A man that got daddy to get him into the National Guard to dodge the Viet Nam war? A man that is anti-gay, but dressed in drag in college? A reformed alcoholic that found "God"? A businessman that went from bankruptcy to owning the Texas Rangers baseball team?

When history is written.....people will look back and how his mismanagement of fiscal policy sunk our nation into trillions of dollars in debt to China and Mexico......the same way he ran his bankrupt companies....and cut social and education programs in favor of his corrupt phony "faith based" organizations.

The former richest nation in the in debt to China and Mexico......the former poorest nations in the world......How the hell could we have let him do that? He should be impeached and castrated!

It started way back in the 1960's and early 70's, the US military was involved in a very unpopular war .....18 year old boys were drafted and sent half way around the world to fight in a jungle war in the hot steamy swamps of Viet Nam.....the news media would broadcast body counts every night....and the world was worried that the Chinese or the Russians would enter the war and it would end up in a Nuclear World War.

In order to avoid being drafted, many kids moved to Canada or South America....some kids got special college deferments....some kids would cut a few toes off....some kids would try to "dodge" the draft with religious reasons....they were called "conscientious objectors".....Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr objected to the war and converted to Muslim and joined the Nation of Islam, changed his name, and spent time in jail.......and George W. Bush had his powerful daddy pull a few strings.

George W. Bush left his comfy college cheerleader deferment and entered the Air National Guard to escape the chances of getting sent to Viet Nam....instead of showing any shame during a time when our nation was at war.....he would pose for pictures he was some type of war hero....what a shallow man.......But it must have been tough living in the shadows of his father, a true WWII war hero that was shot down in the Pacific that eventually became CIA Director, Vice President, and President......It must of been tough for him to visit his father during his (12) years working at the White House.

In order to get out of his father's shadow....."W" has tried to prove that he is.... his own man.....This will be studied in Psych classes for the next (50) years.

Now George W. Bush is the leader of the free world.....he has brought our nation full circle......he has brought us another un-winnable Viet Nam style mess......and this religious man that fights for the sanctity of marriage ......and against the evils of abortion...and against stem cell research....and stresses that adoption is the only choice for unwanted pregnancy....but hates gay adoption because he claims that a child needs a mother and father.....although over 50% of the families in the US do not have both......and now he has a Vice President that has a lesbian daughter....that is pregnant.....and the crowd starts screaming...."Jerry, Jerry, Jerry"....and someone throws a chair....and someone flashes a grin with no teeth

If you wrote this story just (10) years ago.....and tried to get a movie one would believe it.....they would laugh and claim it is too absurd. As crazy as Carl Hiassen's books are, his publisher would kick him out if he ever wrote this stuff.....

People laugh at the Jerry Springer show...but in realty.... it is a mirror reflection of the real America......and it is not pretty!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

Book Recommendations

It's Holiday are a few book recommendations that I really liked....great gifts for friends and family!

The Four Agreements
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Good to Great
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The E-Myth
The Power of Positive Thinking
Richest Man in Babylon
A Pirate Looks at 50
The Greatest Salesman in the World.......and anything by Og Mandino