Friday, December 29, 2006

Travel Plans - 2007

I like celebrating New Year's far away from home....the past two years, I have been in Bangkok for New Years......I always hated the "amateur" night for drinkers, the over-priced parties, the bad service, the crowded this year I am taking a cruise!

I'm headed out of Port Canaveral on December 31.....returning just in time to watch the Gators win the National Championship!

What a way to start a New Year!

Travel Plans - 2007
January - Carribean Cruise (Ron & Dana with Friends and Family)
February -
March - Las Vegas - ISC Show
April -
May -
June - Australia / New Zealand - Tour with Jim / Mary / Hui
July - Thailand / Hong Kong
August - Province Town / New England
Sept -
October - Cruise (14 Days) - Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale with Mom / Dad / Jim / Mary / Hui
November -
December -

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