Friday, December 29, 2006

Rockwell Control - Sales Video

When this thing breaks down....will the repair be covered by warranty and how long does it take technician to fix it?

Global Warming ?

George Carlin - Religion

Howard Beale - The Mad Prophet of the Airwaves

The movie "Network" broke ground and exposed the dark side of humanity....did we learn anything from it? Did we change anything?

I'm Mad as Hell

Travel Plans - 2007

I like celebrating New Year's far away from home....the past two years, I have been in Bangkok for New Years......I always hated the "amateur" night for drinkers, the over-priced parties, the bad service, the crowded this year I am taking a cruise!

I'm headed out of Port Canaveral on December 31.....returning just in time to watch the Gators win the National Championship!

What a way to start a New Year!

Travel Plans - 2007
January - Carribean Cruise (Ron & Dana with Friends and Family)
February -
March - Las Vegas - ISC Show
April -
May -
June - Australia / New Zealand - Tour with Jim / Mary / Hui
July - Thailand / Hong Kong
August - Province Town / New England
Sept -
October - Cruise (14 Days) - Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale with Mom / Dad / Jim / Mary / Hui
November -
December -

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

More Bush Bashing?

I really hate to kick a dog when it's down, but this Bush family is amazing!

The Bush family has quite a reputation for deal making and corruption.....but after reading the Wikipedia article on Neil Bush....even I was shocked!

1) Did you know that he co-founded a software company that was financed by Russian billionaire Boris_Berezovsky along with businessmen from Taiwan, Japan, Kuwait, the British Virgin Islands, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwaiti company head Mohammed Al Saddah, and Chinese computer executive Winston Wong ?

2) Did you know that Bush made at least $798,000 on three stock trades in a single day of a company where he had been employed as a consultant?

3) Did you know that Bush signed a consulting contract that paid $2 million dollars in stock over five years to work for Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, plus $10,000 for every board meeting he attends.

4) Did you know that Bush serves as co-chairman of a company called Crest Investment. Crest pays him $60,000 a year to provide miscellaneous consulting services?

5) Did you know that Bush made a $642,500 commission for introducing an Asian investor to the owners of an American high-tech company?

6) Did you know that Bush's divorce deposition gained public attention when he admitted to several sexual encounters with high-priced escorts in Thailand and Hong Kong?

7) Did you know that as a Board Member of the failed Silverado S & L, Bush participated in one of the largest banking failures of all time costing tax payers over $1b?

What about brother Marvin?

He was a director of the Sterling, Virginia company Securacom, also known as Stratesec, from 1993 until fiscal year 2000. The Securacom/Stratesec company was publicly traded and backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corporation.

In 1996 Marvin Bush had 53,000 shares in the company's stock he bought at 52 cents a share. In 1997 the stock sold for $8.50 a share. Marvin Bush was no longer listed as a shareholder by the end of 2000.

The chairman of the board of Stratesec is Wirt Walker, a cousin of Marvin and George W. Bush. Stratasec had contracts to provide security for United Airlines, Dulles International Airport (the airport from which American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, took off), .........and the World Trade Center in New York at the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Merry Christmas

Brother Ron and Dana hosted a wonderful Christmas dinner in Melbourne Florida....and no one took pictures......but here is the latest family group shot from last summer's Alaska Cruise.

Merry Christmas from the Newman's

Saturday, December 23, 2006

False Advertising?

How could Dan Marino stoop so low? How could he pose for a fake picture? He claims that he lost 20lbs......does this picture look like those pants only fit 20lbs. more?

Maybe a good time to start thinking about a New Year resolution???

This year I am going to do what Dan Marino did.....Buy bigger pants!

Statistics prove that 80-95% of all diets fail.....the bottom line is that we all need to live healthier......a little common sense instead of fad diets from Danny Marino...Increase exercise and decrease calories....10,000 steps a day is what is recommended...just get a pedometer and start walking!!!

Check-out the PBS "Frontilne" television story....... "Diet Wars" and the web site for great information !!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Bush did before 9-11

I was never a "Bush Basher"...but this guy is responsible for our country spiraling down hill.....looking at this old tape makes me mad at our government for it's failures and lies....This administration makes Nixon's look like saints.

Military Commission Report - Commentary

You gotta love Keith Olbermann from MSNBC

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Johnny Quest PF Flyers

Why can't they make cartoons as good as Johnny Quest? The show was from the early 1960's and I can still watch it! Whatever happened to PF Flyers? I guess they weren't cool enough and aren't "designer" enough for spoiled kids?

When we were kids, childrens programming had a conscious was about had redeeming values....although I love the Simpsons and South Park...they both mock the "family" and "authority".

And then there is the show "Celebrity Death Match".....How about Homer Simpson versus Race Banyon?

No one would believe it!!!

When history is written.......people will look back at our time and scratch there heads.....they will ask how could people be so stupid to vote in a lying weasel son of President George Bush?
I will answer....Jerry Springer

How could they vote in a man that was a college cheerleader? A man that got daddy to get him into the National Guard to dodge the Viet Nam war? A man that is anti-gay, but dressed in drag in college? A reformed alcoholic that found "God"? A businessman that went from bankruptcy to owning the Texas Rangers baseball team?

When history is written.....people will look back and how his mismanagement of fiscal policy sunk our nation into trillions of dollars in debt to China and Mexico......the same way he ran his bankrupt companies....and cut social and education programs in favor of his corrupt phony "faith based" organizations.

The former richest nation in the in debt to China and Mexico......the former poorest nations in the world......How the hell could we have let him do that? He should be impeached and castrated!

It started way back in the 1960's and early 70's, the US military was involved in a very unpopular war .....18 year old boys were drafted and sent half way around the world to fight in a jungle war in the hot steamy swamps of Viet Nam.....the news media would broadcast body counts every night....and the world was worried that the Chinese or the Russians would enter the war and it would end up in a Nuclear World War.

In order to avoid being drafted, many kids moved to Canada or South America....some kids got special college deferments....some kids would cut a few toes off....some kids would try to "dodge" the draft with religious reasons....they were called "conscientious objectors".....Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr objected to the war and converted to Muslim and joined the Nation of Islam, changed his name, and spent time in jail.......and George W. Bush had his powerful daddy pull a few strings.

George W. Bush left his comfy college cheerleader deferment and entered the Air National Guard to escape the chances of getting sent to Viet Nam....instead of showing any shame during a time when our nation was at war.....he would pose for pictures he was some type of war hero....what a shallow man.......But it must have been tough living in the shadows of his father, a true WWII war hero that was shot down in the Pacific that eventually became CIA Director, Vice President, and President......It must of been tough for him to visit his father during his (12) years working at the White House.

In order to get out of his father's shadow....."W" has tried to prove that he is.... his own man.....This will be studied in Psych classes for the next (50) years.

Now George W. Bush is the leader of the free world.....he has brought our nation full circle......he has brought us another un-winnable Viet Nam style mess......and this religious man that fights for the sanctity of marriage ......and against the evils of abortion...and against stem cell research....and stresses that adoption is the only choice for unwanted pregnancy....but hates gay adoption because he claims that a child needs a mother and father.....although over 50% of the families in the US do not have both......and now he has a Vice President that has a lesbian daughter....that is pregnant.....and the crowd starts screaming...."Jerry, Jerry, Jerry"....and someone throws a chair....and someone flashes a grin with no teeth

If you wrote this story just (10) years ago.....and tried to get a movie one would believe it.....they would laugh and claim it is too absurd. As crazy as Carl Hiassen's books are, his publisher would kick him out if he ever wrote this stuff.....

People laugh at the Jerry Springer show...but in realty.... it is a mirror reflection of the real America......and it is not pretty!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

Book Recommendations

It's Holiday are a few book recommendations that I really liked....great gifts for friends and family!

The Four Agreements
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Good to Great
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The E-Myth
The Power of Positive Thinking
Richest Man in Babylon
A Pirate Looks at 50
The Greatest Salesman in the World.......and anything by Og Mandino

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Phuket Oceanview Villa

Thailand Vacation - 50th Birthday

Phuket - Ocean View

Podcast downloaded and ready on my I-Pod

I am headed back to Miami. Including a (10) hour layover in Los Angles, it will take me over (30) hours from Bangkok to Miami.
This trip I am fully prepared!
I have fully loaded my 30gb I-Pod...with downloaded TV shows (Lost, The Daily Show, South Park, Heroes, Studio 60, Drawn Together, and 30 Rock).
I have downloaded a bunch of new music.
I have downloaded a few Audio Books including, The Art of War, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Breathing, The Four Agreements, and The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time.
I have also downloaded a bunch of "Podcasts"........I am most excited about the Podcasts......Most of corporate America and media companies have been migrating to the latest technology to get specific information to a very narrow targeted market.....As opposed to traditional "Mass" media like broadcast TV, Radio, Internet Sites.....Podcasts can be developed and targeted for specific users that either don't have access to TV (like travelers)....or might not have the time to sit in front of a TV to watch complete shows....instead Podcast programs are shorter and developed for specific target markets.
I have downloaded a few health and fitness podcasts......a few financial podcasts (including Jim Cramer's radio show)...a few comedy podcasts (including the Penn radio show)....and a few spcific podcasts including lessons on Spanish, Thai, Adobe Photo-Shop, and even a podcast on making Podcasts.
Scared to jump? Don't have an I-Pod yet? Go to the web page and take a look at the future....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Third World - Miami?

Why is everyone so upset.....he's right! Miami is like a third world country.

The minute you arriive at feel it.

The second you sit in a beat-up old feel it!

Ever been to the ER at Jackson Memorial?'ll feel it!

What about the fine public school system? Where does it rate in the world?

Whenever you read about the government feel it!

How about the Metro-Rail Public "Mass" Transportation System?

How about the great system of roads and exressways, not to mention the great "third-world" drivers.....

But most of the immigrants, legal or not....are good, hard working people....just trying to make it here....and the beaches are awesome....and the weather is snow on the roads........and the restaurants are great......and it's home!

I love Miami.....and yes, we have a lot of problems....but we dont need out-of-town jerks coming here and creating more problems...just for political gain.....What an ASSHOLE!'s the article from the Miami Herald

Congressman calls Miami a `Third World country'

OUTSPOKEN: Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., is no fan of Miami's ethnic makeup.

WASHINGTON - Rep. Tom Tancredo, the leader of the anti-illegal immigration faction in the U.S. House, spent a recent weekend at The Breakers in Palm Beach.

Ninety miles to the south, he found a symbol to bolster his belief that unfettered immigration is endangering the United States: Miami, he told a conservative online news site, ``has become a Third World country.''

In South Florida to attend Restoration Weekend, a gathering of conservative activists, the Colorado Republican, whose district includes suburbs of Denver, pointed to Miami as an example of how ''the nature of America can be changed by uncontrolled immigration,'' the story says.

''Look at what has happened to Miami,'' the WorldNetDaily quotes Tancredo as saying in an interview. ``It has become a Third World country. You just pick it up and take it and move it someplace. You would never know you're in the United States of America. You would certainly say you're in a Third World country.''

The remarks drew an instant rebuke from Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who called Tancredo ''flat out wrong'' and extended an invitation for him to come and judge the city for himself.

''I invite my friend, Tom, to visit beautiful Miami, my hometown, and experience firsthand our hospitality,'' Ros-Lehtinen said. ``Come on down, Tom, the water's fine!''
Miami, Ros-Lehtinen said, is a ``world class city where diversity is celebrated. Here people have the opportunity to meet folks from across the globe and honor different cultures. Miami-Dade County is home to many outstanding universities, is headquarters to international businesses and has a vibrant economy.''

Tancredo, who chairs the bipartisan House Immigration Reform Caucus and championed a fence along the border with Mexico, said Monday in an e-mail sent by his office that his comparison was based on crime statistics he believes ``are deeply rooted in the immigration debate.
''While a recent documentary comparison of Miami-Dade County to Baghdad was a bit of an overstatement,'' he wrote, referring to an Australian documentary that compares Miami to Baghdad, ``no one can argue that it is not one of America's most dangerous areas.''

He noted in the e-mail that the number of homicides in the county recently reached 200 for the year. The number is actually a decrease from the 1980s. ''Moreover, the sheer size and number of ethnic enclaves devoid of any English and dominated by foreign cultures is widespread,'' Tancredo said in the statement. ``Frankly, many of these areas could have been located in another country. And until America gets serious about demanding assimilation, this problem will continue to spread.''

Tancredo didn't visit Miami on the Nov. 18-19 trip, but has visited before, a spokesman said. And, if Ros-Lehtinen's invitation includes ''a stay at a five-star beachfront resort, he may be willing to look beyond the inherent dangers that he had cited and visit Miami again,'' his spokesman said.

Tancredo, who has been mentioned as a potential presidential contender, criticized President Bush in the interview for Bush's push for comprehensive immigration reform.
''He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that -- it's an idea,'' Tancredo said. ``It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going.''

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why so much religion on the BLOG?

It inspires and gives hope to some angers some people....and to some people it is very funny.

I am one of those people that thinks it is funny! Not "funny-funny", but "crazy funny".

I cannot tolerate the level of ignorance from the religious right in America.....It is almost like a magician using steer the audience away from what is really happening.

Catholics can't use Birth Control?......the planet is over-populated.....why aren't religious leaders focused on over-population?

Abortion is murder?........Why can't people make decisions for themselves.....Why do religious people think they have the right to push their beliefs on other people?

Stem Cell Research is killing a fetus? ...........what non-sense!

Religious of faith......Hating and Killing?

I got really disgusted .......when I saw the previews from a new movie about Islamic Fundamentalist called "Obsession" is scary stuff!

I got really disgusted..... about the arguments about gay rights and marriage.... half of the marriages in the US end in divorce....and President Bush sits there and talks about the "sanctity of marriage"? Adultery is an American past-time.....Give me a break, Mr. Moral Leader....the day I take my moral life lessons from a draft dodger....Wasn't Bush a cheerleader in college?.....You know what the rumors about male cheerleaders are??? What about other moral fakers like Tom Folley and Reverend Haggard ...that preach one thing but have the power to vote and persuade people. All the religious FAKERS make me crazy......Jimmy Swagart, Pedophile Priests, Jim and Tammy Baker, Ernest Angley, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwel, Jim Dobson are just the tip of the iceberg!!!
How many more of these insane people don't get exposed? How many more are stealing from the poor "believers" ? How many more are in the closet?

I got really disgusted .......about the war in the Mideast......about the phony religious leaders that preach about GOD..... but don't do anything about the war. Where are the Muslim leaders? The Catholic leadership? Why aren't they guiding the political leaders to peace? Where is there faith in there GOD?

I really hate faith healers that take advantage of the stupid and poor people......... I love James Randi...who exposes this stuff......I also like Penn and Teller because they also expose fakers in there TV show called Bullshit. are a few cool links.,ourMission

So why all the religious stuff on the BLOG? is my BLOG and I post whatever I want to! It isn't here to post things that anyone likes or accepts......I post things that I like....things that I am interested in .....and things that move me......I post things that inform and enlighten....I post things to provoke thought......I post things about family.....If I offend anyone....tough shit....Don't read it! rant ends with this lovely thought.......It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt....or mutilated! Talk about a crazy religious tradition.....let's cut some skin off a baby? If God created us...and we are perfect...why cut something off?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

UM New Coach?

Spurrier denies reports he is leaving South Carolina for UM
Responding to two Internet reports, Steve Spurrier said Sunday he intends to remain coach at South Carolina and has had no discussions with Miami about replacing Larry Coker.
''I have no interest in any other job except the one I've got,'' Spurrier said on his weekly conference call. ``This is the school I wanted to coach at. I'm not leaving unless I get run off. This is where I plan to be hopefully for the next five, seven, eight years or whatever. I think everybody knows my goal here is to stay at South Carolina. I have not expressed any interest and [Miami] has not expressed any interest.'' and reported Sunday that Miami has interest in Spurrier and indicated he was likely going to take the job. Though some people at the university would be intrigued by the possibility of Spurrier coming to Miami, this marked the first time anyone reported Spurrier would take the job if offered.
''This is a bad rumor that some of you guys are running with,'' he said. ``Can somebody just put something on the Internet and all you guys think it's true?''
After the reporter, Joe Schad, told Spurrier that somebody told him Miami had targeted him as their top choice, Spurrier responded, ``Who at Miami -- the president, the AD, or some guy sleeping under the bridge down there?''
UM athletic director Paul Dee strongly denied a report on that Miami had begun contacting candidates. ''We haven't contacted anybody,'' he said. ``I told you all we were going to wait until the end of the season. Could some wacko out there be doing anything? Who knows?''
Spurrier said if Coker is replaced, he believes Miami probably will try to hire Rutgers coach Greg Schiano.
''My daughter Amy called me this morning and said there was something on the Internet about Miami going after you or whatever,'' said Spurrier, who's in his second year at South Carolina. ``I guess in a way it's flattering that they would throw my name with one of the top football programs in the last 25 years or so down there.
``I came to South Carolina to win an SEC championship. The experts, Lee Corso and all those guys, a lot said `You can't win, you can't win a championship. We haven't proved we could yet.'
``But we're in the process of a really outstanding recruiting class this year. With a few more players, a little help here and there, we believe it's a do-able goal. We're going to make that our goal starting next year and hopefully every year I'm here -- to win an SEC championship. That's the exciting and challenging part of coaching here at South Carolina.
'Some people said, `Coach, could you have waited a year or two and maybe gotten to a school that maybe had more players at the time, schools that maybe had a richer tradition of football?' I said that wasn't what I was looking for. I knew we would take our lumps a little bit the first couple of years or so trying to build our team up. But this is a wonderful place, wonderful fans.''
South Carolina is 6-5 this season and finishes its season Saturday against Clemson.
''We know it's not going to be easy [to win an SEC championship],'' Spurrier said. ``But it wouldn't be any fun if it was easy. . . . If [the Hurricanes] do make a change, there's a lot of guys on that list I'm sure they prefer to go after -- Schiano has to be the top candidate if they can get him.''
Spurrier said he would leave South Carolina only ``if the president and AD decide they have somebody better to hire . . . I hope I'm not going anywhere.''
Spurrier said when he was at Florida, 'every now and then a pro team would call and I would sort of say, `Are you offering me the job?' and they would say, 'No, we want to talk about it.' And I said, `Nah, I've got a job here. I don't need to talk about any jobs.
``I'm not looking for any jobs. . . . Miami is not going to call me. . . . I don't anticipate any school calling me because everybody knows I'm here at South Carolina to win an SEC championship. That's my mission.''
Spurrier also told he's ''not a candidate'' for the Miami job: ``That is a tough job. This is the challenge for me.''

Leaving Bangkok

Hui and I are flying to Phuket on Monday 11/20.....8am Thai Airway......need to be airport by 7am.....need to leave Hotel by 6am....need to wake up and pack at 5am.
We are staying at the Kata Thani Kata, Phuket

I was planning on visiting a vegetarian health spa in Chiang Mai to try fasting and detoxifying......but chickened out (pun intended).....Instead I am headed for Phuket. The goal for this leg of the journey is to look for a real estate investment....perhaps a nice seaside villa, for friends and family to enjoy.....Wish me Luck!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mysterious Ways???

The power of faith.......

If there is/was a god, I don't think this is what he/she/it intended the world to become !

Pick your ignorance....abortion, stem cell research, murder, fundamentalist, intelligent design, gay adoption, adultery, terrorism, sodomy, wars in the name of GOD, hated of other religious beliefs, gay marriage, slavery, government corruption, divorce lawyers, hair transplants, and the poster boys of hypocrisy and ignorance Ted Haggard and Tom Foley .........Disease, famine, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and killer hurricanes.....not to mention George Bush, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Reverend James Kennedy, Reverend James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and Faith Healers....... or the dickheads running North Korea, Iran, Venezuala, and most of the countries in Africa.
The world is in trouble....over-population, wars, famine, water shortages, diseases, and maybe even global warming? We are over fishing the world's oceans, we are draining the natural resources, we are slaughtering so many cows, chickens, and pigs that the waste products alone are destroying the environment....and our political and religious leaders are worried about gay marriage, or birth control, or teaching abstinence, or stopping scientific research.
Why aren't the world's religious leaders meeting.....together? Wouldn't GOD want them to work together to work towards solving the world's problems?
God loves us all............
Stephen Colbert interviews Richard Dawkins

Going to Hell?
Richard Dawkins in Virginia

Is religion a fairy tale responsible for war and hate? Is personal "faith" really ignorance?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Kingdom of Cambodia

It was a simple plan, I just wanted to avoid the lines at the Thai Immigration office instead of getting my passport stamped with a new visa every (7) days, I could get a (30) day visa...if I leave Thailand........exit the country and re-enter.....

I wanted to fly to Hong Kong for a weekend.....but the closest border is Cambodia.....It was an expereince, I will never forget!

A three hour drive through the Thai countryside in the backseat of a tiny Toyota ......with Hui's friends Lang and reach the border area of Poipet, Cambodia.